As I explained to you already in the beginning of my blog, my mission is not to give you a ready-made receipt but rather to create a different relationship between you and the ingredients you use.
Therefore I am telling you! Put some time into understanding how flour, water and eggs play with each other and you will master one of the most ancient and fascinating skill: the art of making home-made pasta!
Let's start! Create a fountain with the flour and, using your fingers, make some space in the centre. The space you just created will have to be big enough to contain the amount of eggs you are using. Pour the eggs into the fountain, add some table salt and, starting from the centre, move your fingers in a circle so the flour around it will slowly mix with the eggs.
Now that the eggs and flour have combined, add a little water. While you do this make sure that there's always some flour on the table. Keep adding water until the dough is smooth and not sticky anymore.
You might have just made a mess, but by doing this, you started to understand what you are doing and how to master the art!! It will take a couple of tries but believe me: learn how to do this and you'll be able to create incredible meals out of (apparently) nothing!
So the dough is ready! Now with a rolling pin start working it from the centre towards the edges. If the pin sticks add a bit of flour on the dough and again, make sure there's some flour under the dough as well.
This is the basic explanation of how you can make YOUR OWN PERSONAL AND UNIQUE PASTA!!
Just play and practice again and again with different amounts of eggs (or you can make pasta without eggs, just water and flour). You can also experiment with different kinds of flour. You can separate the eggs and use more yoke to make your pasta more yellow, or you can use (as I often do) durum wheat instead of "00". Or use half and half...
The message is: making pasta and bread is a very very old custom and everywhere in the world you'll find a different technique. But the ingredients are always the same!! Flour, water and often eggs.
You can add parsley or oregano or spinach or whatever you like to your dough. Please my friends be creative and patient. It takes more than 10 minutes to create something that was invented thousands of years ago! Don't believe anyone who tells you that making pasta is easy and just to follow the receipt!! Be personal and unique. We are not machines!!!